1. Purpose:
    At Green Folk Ltd., we believe that our strength lies in the diversity of our people. Our commitment to diversity and inclusion is fundamental to our identity as an organisation, driving innovation, fostering a robust corporate culture, and enabling us to meet and exceed the needs of our clients. Our purpose with this policy is to create an environment where everyone feels valued, included, and empowered to bring their authentic selves to work, contributing to their fullest potential.
  2. Scope:
    This policy applies to all aspects of our operations, encompassing but not limited to recruitment, hiring, training, promotion, compensation, benefits, social and recreational programs, use of our facilities, and termination. It extends to all employees, contractors, volunteers, interns, and job applicants.
  3. Policy Statement:
    3.1 Inclusive Hiring and Talent Development: We are committed to a fair, inclusive, and bias-free recruitment process. We actively seek to diversify our talent pool through partnerships with local colleges, apprenticeship providers, women in STEM initiatives, and other organisations that align with our commitment to diversity. We ensure that our screening tools and assessment methods are accessible to all, accommodating any identified disabilities respectfully and compliantly. We promote professional growth and development among our employees, offering up to £3,000 a year in training funds to employees for qualifications that can benefit their future career, regardless of its specificity to recruitment.
    3.2 Equal Opportunity: Our pledge is to actively tackle workforce inequality and promote in-work progression for all our employees. We strive to create an environment that nurtures talent, irrespective of their background or identity, offering equal opportunities for advancement.
    3.3 Representation: Our commitment to diversity extends to gender representation, where we celebrate a gender split above industry standards. We aim to continually enhance representation of under-represented groups in our workforce and the workforces of our clients.
    3.4 Respectful Work Environment: We foster a culture that respects and values differences, encouraging a collaborative and supportive work environment. We have a zero-tolerance policy for any form of harassment, bullying, or discrimination. Our CIPD qualified HR professionals ensure that all reports of such behaviour are addressed promptly, confidentially, and in line with our policies.
  4. Responsibilities:
    Everyone at Green Folk Ltd. is expected to uphold this policy, actively contributing to our culture of diversity and inclusion. Managers and team leaders have a particular responsibility to lead by example and ensure their teams’ adherence to this policy. Our CIPD-qualified HR professionals and our legal team, working closely with external consultants, hold the responsibility to regularly review, challenge, and enhance our diversity and inclusion practices, ensuring alignment with industry standards and legal requirements.
  5. Review and Amendments:
    We commit to reviewing this policy annually or as required due to changes in our organisation, client requirements, or relevant legislation. We believe in the dynamic nature of diversity and inclusion and are committed to continuous learning, improving, and adapting our practices as we grow.
    By fostering diversity and inclusion in our organisation, we not only strive to reflect the communities in which we operate but also contribute to a more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable world. We are confident that our commitment to diversity and inclusion provides added value to our clients, our employees, and the communities we serve.

    Tomas Neachell
    Business Manager